This page provides an overview of my conferences, be it as a speaker, discussant, or (co-)convener/(co-)organizer.
As a speaker:
- ‘Le système suisse dans un monde polarisé : chances et risques’, Tag der Parlamente: Demokratie in einer zunehmend autokratischen Welt (Swiss Parliament Day: Democracy in an Increasingly Autocratic World), Zurich, 7-8 November 2025 (keynote, invited speaker)
- 'Lobbying Regulation, Anti-Corruption, and the Fight against Foreign Influence: Coherent Approach or Double Standards?', University of Oslo, 18-20 September 2025 (invited speaker)
- ‘Quel futur pour la neutralité suisse ? Interprétation(s) d’un concept à la croisée du droit et de la politique’, Schweizerischer Juristentag, University of Zurich, 12-13 June 2025 (invited speaker)
- ‘Welche Zukunft hat die Neutralität der Schweiz? Interpretation(en) eines Konzepts an der Schnittstelle zwischen Recht und Politik’, Aarauer Demokratietage, 4 April 2025 (invited speaker)
- ‘Margin of Appreciation’, book workshop on ‘Balance in International Dispute Settlement – Standards of Review before International Courts and Tribunals’, University of Hong Kong, 6-7 March 2025 (invited speaker)
- ‘Lobbying and the Constitution: A Path to Reform’, University of Ottawa, 6 February 2025 (book talk)
- ‘How the Sausage Is Made: Lobbying by the Meat Industry’, Defund Meat Conference, Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Heidelberg, 16-17 January 2025 (invited speaker)
- ‘Mehrsprachige Rechtswissenschaft in der Schweiz: rechtliche und epistemische Herausforderungen’, University of Zurich, 11 December 2024 (habilitation presentation)
- ‘Quelle place pour la société civile dans le système de milice suisse ?’, Annual Conference of the Swiss Section of the International Commission of Jurists, Aarau, 25 October 2024
- ‘La rétrocession des juges aux partis politiques : un changement de paradigme en vue ?’, Verwaltungsrichter:innentagung (Annual Conference of Swiss Administrative Law Judges), Biel, 12 September 2024 (invited speaker)
- ‘Lobbyismus im Parlament und in der Verwaltung’, Federal Parliament, Bern, 26 August 2024 (invited speaker)
- ‘Dependent on the People Alone? Some Recommendations on the Regulation of Legislative Lobbying in the United States vs Europe’, Georgetown Law Summer Workshop Series, Georgetown University Law Center, Washington DC, 3 July 2024
- ‘The Case for a Comparative Constitutional Law Analysis of Legislative Lobbying’, Law and Society Association Annual Meeting, Denver, 6-9 June 2024
- ‘Influencing Law-Makers: A Comparative Constitutional Analysis of Legislative Lobbying’, Georgetown University Law Center, SJD/Fellows Collaborative Seminar and Workshop (convened by Prof. Robin West), Washington DC, 1 April 2024
- ‘Language Bias in Comparative Constitutional Law Scholarship: Symptoms, Explanations, Implications and Remedies’, virtual book workshop on ‘Languages and Comparative Constitutional Studies’, National University of Singapore/Melbourne Law School, 4 December 2023 (invited speaker)
- ‘Influencing Law-Makers: Lobbying and the Constitution in the United States vs. Europe’, Georgetown University Law Center, O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law, Washington DC, 14 November 2023 (invited speaker)
- ‘Legislative Lobbying and Institutional Integrity: A Comparative Constitutional Analysis’, 12th Annual Young Comparativists Committee Conference, Annual Meeting of the American Society of Comparative Law, Florida International University College of Law, Miami, 28 October 2023
- ‘Gute Rechtsetzung: Ein Kommentar unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Lobbyings privater Akteure’, Tagung des Zentrums für Rechtsetzungslehre der Universität Zürich, Faktoren guter Rechtsetzung, Federal Parliament, Bern, 31 August 2023 (organized by Prof. Andreas Glaser, Prof. Andreas Lienhard, and Prof. Felix Uhlmann; invited speaker)
- ‘Wie weiter mit der Regulierung des Lobbyings?’, Transparency International, Bern, 6 June 2023 (invited speaker, with MPs Beat Rieder and Nadine Masshardt)
- ‘Le lobbying en matière environnementale et climatique : une perspective de droit comparé’, talk in the framework of the summer school ‘Environmental Democracy’, convened by Prof. Véronique Boillet and Prof. Anne-Christine Favre (Université de Lausanne), Dr Sabine Lavorel (Université Grenoble Alpes) and Dr Isabelle Michallet (Université Lyon 3), University of Lausanne, 20 June 2023 (invited speaker)
- ‘(Better) Regulating Legislative Lobbying in Switzerland: What Does Institutional Integrity Require?’, Department of Political Science and International Relations, University of Geneva, 19 May 2023 (invited speaker)
- ‘Qui définit l’intérêt public ? La formation de l’intérêt public dans le cadre du processus législatif’, Staatsrechtslehrer:innentag/Journée des professeur.e.s de droit public, University of Lausanne, 12 May 2023 (with S. Weerts, V. Boillet, and F. Bory)
- ‘Influencing Lawmakers: A Comparative Constitutional Law Analysis of Legislative Lobbying’, Laboratory for Analysis of Governance and Public Policy in Europe, Swiss Graduate School of Public Administration, University of Lausanne, 23 March 2023 (invited speaker)
- ‘Lobbying and Free Speech in the United States and in Europe: A European Paradox?’, Annual Comparative Law Work-in-Progress Workshop (co-sponsored by Princeton University, University of Illinois College of Law, the University of Pennsylvania Law School, and the American Society of Comparative Law), University of Pennsylvania Law School, 19-21 January 2023 (paper selected together with 6 others, out of more than 80 submissions)
- ‘Critical Directions in EU Law: Teaching, Researching and Advocacy’, lunch seminar, American University, Washington DC, 29 September 2022 (invited panelist)
- ‘Lobbying and Free Speech in the United States and in Europe: A European Paradox?’, Freedom of Expression Scholars Conference 2022, Yale Law School, 30 April-1 May 2022
- ‘Parliamentary Lobbying and Institutional Integrity: A Legal Perspective’, Università della Svizzera italiana, 27 April 2022 (invited speaker)
- ‘The Regulation of Lobbying in Switzerland and the European Union’, event organized by the Alumni-ae Network of Harvard Women (Swiss Branch), Zurich, 21 February 2022 (invited speaker; followed by comments by Prof. Kerstin Vokinger)
- ‘Parliamentary Lobbying and Transparency: What Does Institutional Integrity Require?’, Workshop Transparenz, University of Basel, 11 February 2022
- ‘The Participation of Civil Society in EU Environmental Lawmaking Processes: Shedding Light on the European Commission’s Public Consultations’, academic workshop on ‘Transparency and Participation in the Face of Scientific Uncertainty’, York University, 27-28 January 2022 (organized by Prof. Annalisa Volpato, Dr Eva Heims, Prof. Sabrina Röttger-Wirtz, Prof. Mariolina Eliantonio, and Dr Kathryn Wright; invited speaker, with A. Boussat)
- ‘Agriculture as a Vested Interest’, DemocracyNet Research Workshop on ‘Vested Interests and Democracy’, University of Zurich, 10 December 2021
- ‘Le droit de pétition en droit constitutionnel Suisse : Catalyseur ou frein à l’introduction du suffrage féminin au niveau fédéral?’, Panel on ‘Law as a Vector of Political (In)equality’, Annual Conference of the Swiss Association for Gender Studies on ‘Women*’s Suffrage and Democracy: Critique, Memory, Visions’, University of Zurich, 26 November 2021 (co-panelists: Prof. Véronique Boillet and Clémence Demay)
- ‘Richterwahlen in der Schweiz’, event organized by the Swiss Study Foundation (‘Treffpunkt Bern’), Federal Parliament, Bern, 16 November 2021 (with MP Andrea Caroni, Judge Marianne Heer, and Adrian Gasser; invited speaker)
- ‘The Power of Agricultural Interest Groups (Lobbying) in Legislative Processes’, Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Heidelberg, 12-13 November 2021 (invited speaker)
- ‘Die verfassungsrechtlichen Grundlagen des parlamentarischen Lobbyismus’, Alumni Organization of the Advanced Studies in Applied Ethics Program, University of Zurich, 14 October 2021 (invited speaker)
- ‘The Constitutional Foundations of Parliamentary Lobby Regulation: Shedding Light on the Free Mandate’, Stanford International Junior Faculty Forum, Stanford Law School, 8-9 October 2021 (abstract and subsequent draft paper selected upon double-blind peer review), discussants: Prof. Eric Feldman, Dr Dinsha Mistree
- ‘Lobbyismus und deliberative Demokratie’, Habilkreis Recht, Ernen, 11 September 2021, discussant: Dr Dario Henri Haux
- ‘The Constitutional Foundations of Parliamentary Lobby Regulation: Shedding Light on the Guarantee of the Free Mandate Pursuant to Art. 38(1) Phrase 2 of the German Basic Law’, International Association of Constitutional Law (IACL) Junior Scholars Forum, National University of Singapore, 5 July 2021, discussant: Prof. Maartje de Visser
- ‘Food Security and Symbolic Legislation in Switzerland: A False Sense of Security?’ (with C. Blattner), 2021 Congress of the European Society for Agriculture and Food Ethics (EurSafe), University of Fribourg, 25 June 2021 (abstract selected upon double-blind peer review)
- ‘Transparency at the Expense of Equality and Integrity: Present and Future Directions of Lobby Regulation in the European Parliament’, 10th Conference of the ECPR Standing Group on the European Union, online event, 11 June 2021, discussant: Prof. Bert Fraussen
- ‘The Interpretation of Customary International Law: Art or Science?’, ERC-funded TRICI-Law Conference on ‘Interpretation in International Law: Rules, Content, and Evolution’, University of Groningen, online event, 11 June 2021 (invited speaker)
- ‘Frauen(wahl)rechte aus transnationaler Perspektive’, Panel Discussion, Conference Series ‘“Ebenso neu als kühn” – 50 Jahre Frauenstimm- und -wahlrecht in der Schweiz’, University of Zurich, 20 April 2021 (invited speaker), with Prof. Bettina Dennerlein (Professor of Gender Studies and Islamic Studies at the University of Zurich), Prof. Shaini Randeria (Professor of Social Anthropology and Sociology at the Graduate Institute, Geneva), Dr Elena Rosauro (postdoctoral researcher at the Latin American Center of the University of Zurich), moderator: Dr Sarah Farag (postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies of the University of Zurich and at the American University in Cairo)
- ‘Parliamentary Committees and Parliamentary Groups in the Swiss Legislative Process’, Swiss Young Academy, online presentation, 31 March 2021
- ‘Die verfassungsrechtlichen Grundlagen des parlamentarischen Lobbyismus in liberalen Demokratien’, Liechtenstein-Institute, Bendern, Liechtenstein, 25 March 2021 (invited speaker)
- ‘Citizenship by Investment and Residency by Investment: Just the Tip of the Iceberg? The Pervasiveness of Financial Considerations in Contemporary Citizenship and Immigration Laws’, Seminar on Investment Migration, University of Oxford, 11 March 2021 (invited speaker; co-panelist: Prof. Ayelet Shachar)
- ‘Die verfassungsrechtlichen Grundlagen der Regulierung von Lobbytätigkeiten in westlichen Demokratien: Zur Notwendigkeit einer zeitgemässen und demokratischen Auslegung des freien Mandats’, 61. Junge Tagung Öffentliches Recht, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, 23-26 February 2021 (abstract selected upon double-blind peer review)
- ‘Language Bias as a Driver of Inequality in International Law: Symptoms, Causes, Risks, and Remedies’, workshop on ‘Practising Reflexivity in International Law’, European University Institute, online event, 22 February 2021, discussant: Prof. Jean d’Aspremont
- ‘La présomption légale’, University of Lausanne, 1 December 2020 (trial lecture)
- ‘Lobbyismus und Transparenz’, course for Bachelor students in political science (Dr Sarah Bütikofer), University of Basel, 23 November 2020 (invited speaker)
- ‘50 Jahre Frauenstimmrecht im Kanton Zürich’, Panel Discussion, University of Zurich, 23 September 2020 (invited speaker), with Gret Haller (former Swiss MP and President of the National Council), Prof. Elisabetta Fiocchi Malaspina (Professor of Legal History at the University of Zurich), Lili Nabholz (former Swiss MP and member of the National Council), and Dr Kathrin Arioli, (Chancellor of the canton of Zurich), moderator: Zita Küng
- ‘Parteien- und Politikfinanzierung: Demokratische und rechtsstaatliche Fragen / Financement des partis et de la politique : questions démocratiques et de l’Etat de droit’, Panel Discussion, Annual Conference of the Swiss Section of the International Commission of Jurists, Bern, 4 September 2020 (invited speaker), with Prof. Patricia Schiess Rütimann (Titular Professor of Public Law and Comparative Constitutional Law at the University of Zurich, Legal Research Officer and Head of Legal Research at the Liechtenstein Institute), Dr Martin Hilti (director of Transparency International Switzerland), Dr Thomas Milic (postdoctoral researcher at the Institute for Political Science of the University of Zurich), and Irène Kälin (Swiss MP, member of the National Council), moderator: Dr Susanne Leuzinger (former federal judge)
- ‘Strengthening European Democracy: Why the EU Needs More Lobby Regulation’, 3rd Young European Law Scholars Conference on ‘Shaping the Future of Europe’, University of Salzburg, 27-28 February 2020, discussant: Prof. Dimitry Kochenov
- ‘Lobbying und Korruption: Gefährliche Berührungspunkte?’, Research Meeting of Habilitation Candidates in Public Law, University of Bern, 14 February 2020
- ‘Lobbying and Domestic Lawmaking Processes’, Research Lunch of the Institute for Public International Law and Foreign Constitutional Law, University of Zurich, 14 November 2019
- ‘The Politics of International Law: Lobbying and International Lawmaking’, Schindler Scholars’ Workshop with Prof. Philippe Sands, University of Zurich, 29 October 2019
- ‘Lobbyismus und Transparenz in der Schweizer Politik’, Panel Discussion (organised by Reatch, DefactoExpert, and the Alumni Organization of the University of Zurich), University of Zurich, 24 September 2019 (invited speaker), with Lorenz Furrer (managing partner at the Swiss lobbying firm furrerhugi AG), Otto Hostettler (journalist at the Beobachter and co-president of Lobbywatch), Nadine Masshardt (Swiss MP, member of the National Council), and Kurt Fluri (Swiss MP, member of the National Council), moderator: Dr Sarah Bütikofer
- ‘Lobbying im Gesetzgebungsverfahren’, Research Meeting for Doctoral and Postdoctoral Researchers in Public Law and International Law, University of Zurich, 17 September 2019
- ‘Lobbies im Parlament: Sind starke Lobbies und ein Milizparlament zwei Seiten der gleichen Medaille?’, Panel Discussion, Politforum Käfigturm, Bern, 10 September 2019 (invited speaker), with Dr Martin Hilti (director of Transparency International Switzerland), Ruth Humbel (Swiss MP, member of the National Council), Flavia Wasserfallen (Swiss MP, member of the National Council), and Reto Wiesli (president of the Swiss Society of Public Affairs), moderator: Dr Michael Braunschweig
- ‘Lobbying and (Comparative) Public Law: A Research Agenda’, Special Workshop on ‘Lobbying and Domestic Lawmaking Processes’, 29th World Congress of the International Association for the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, University of Lucerne, 11 July 2019, discussant: Prof. Barry Solaiman
- ‘Lobbying and (Comparative) Public Law: A Research Agenda’, European Junior Faculty Forum for Public Law and Jurisprudence, London School of Economics, 10-11 June 2019 (paper selected upon double-blind peer review), discussants: Prof. Conor Gearty and Prof. Thomas Poole
- ‘Iris von Rotens “Frauen im Laufgitter” (1958) – has been oder stets aktuell? Eine Bestandesaufnahme anlässlich des nationalen Frauenstreiks vom 14. Juni 2019’, University of Zurich, 29 May 2019
- ‘Language Bias in International Law: The Example of International Law in Domestic Courts’, ESIL-sponsored workshop on ‘Law and Language in International and European Law’, University of Fribourg, 17 May 2019 (invited speaker), discussant: Dr Benedikt Pirker
- ‘Animal Agriculture and Farmers’ Rights in the Light of International Human Rights Law’, Harvard Law School, 23 April 2019 (with C. Blattner), discussant: Salma Waheedi
- ‘L’interprétation du droit international par les tribunaux suisses’, guest lecture, University of Lausanne, 17 April 2019 (invited speaker)
- ‘How Meritocratic Are Citizenship by Investment Programs?’, Conference on ‘Transformation of Citizenship’, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, 21 November 2018
- ‘The Popular Initiative on Self-Determination’, Abstimm-Bar (transfer event organized by the research network DemocracyNet and aiming at encouraging public discussions on political issues), Karl der Grosse, Zurich, 14 November 2018
- ‘The Participation of Lobbies in Swiss Politics: A Legal Perspective’, DemocracyNet Workshop on “Democratic Participation: Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives”, University of Zurich, 13 September 2018, discussant: Christian Caspar
- ‘The Interpretation of International Law by Swiss Courts’, guest lecture, Lund University, 11 September 2018 (invited speaker)
- ‘Passports for Sale? Some Pros and Cons of Citizenship by Investment Programs’, Swiss Forum for Young Scholars in Public Law, University of Zurich, 4 May 2018
- ‘International Law in Domestic Courts: An Empirical Contribution’, Workshop of the Society of Legal Scholars on the Neglected Methodologies of International Law, University of Leicester, 31 January 2018
- ‘When Are Judges Influenced by Public Opinion? Switzerland and the US Compared’, Conference on Public Law and the New Populism, New York University, New York, 15-16 September 2017, discussant: Prof. Samuel Issacharoff
- ‘Blind Spots of Global Animal Law: What Can Feminist Care Theory Teach Us?’, ESIL Interest Group on Feminism and International Law, Naples, 6 September 2017 (with C. Blattner)
- ‘Animal Agriculture and Farmers’ Rights in the Light of International Human Rights Law’, ESIL Interest Group on International Environmental Law, Naples, 6 September 2017 (with C. Blattner)
- ‘Populism: What Is It and What Makes It Challenging?’, Doctoral Students’ Roundtable, Conference on ‘Populism and European Policies: The Challenges Ahead’, World Trade Institute, Bern, 23 June 2017
- ‘The Interpretation of International Law by Swiss Courts’, Oxford CLRM Conference, University of Oxford, 21 April 2017
- ‘The Interpretation of International Law by Swiss Courts’, Public International Law Research Seminar, University of Oxford, 15 February 2017
- ‘How Should Domestic Courts Interpret International Law? Justifying the Need for Interpretative Methods’, Yale Law School Doctoral Scholarship Conference, Yale Law School, 11 November 2016 (paper selected upon double-blind peer review), discussant: Nahuel Maisley
- ‘How Should Domestic Courts Interpret International Law? Justifying the Need for Interpretative Methods’, Harvard Law School, 7 November 2016
- ‘Le pluralisme méthodologique pragmatique des tribunaux suisses : (in)compatible avec le droit international ?’, Midi Actuel, University of Fribourg, 15 June 2015
- ‘The CJEU and the Sources of International Law: To Be or Not To Be A “Domestic” Court?’, ProDoc Conference on the EU and International Law, University of Fribourg, 18 April 2015, discussant: Benjamin Cheynel
- ‘L’interprétation des normes de droit international par les tribunaux suisses : une charnière entre droit suisse et droit international ?’, ProDoc Annual Doctoral Colloquium, Ueberstorf, 10 July 2015
- ‘International Law and Swiss Politics: Where Does the Swiss Judge Fit In?’, PluriCourts, University of Oslo, 29 January 2015, discussants: Prof. Yael Ronen and Prof. Philippa Webb
- ‘International Courts, Domestic Politics, and Judicial Interpretation’, iCourts, University of Copenhagen, 11 September 2014
- ‘L’interprétation du droit international par les tribunaux suisses’, ProDoc Annual Doctoral Colloquium, Münchenwiler, 3 July 2014
- ‘L’interdiction des discriminations contre la nationalité dans l’Accord sur la libre circulation des personnes’, ProDoc Conference on Equality and Non-Discrimination in International and European Law, University of Fribourg, 4 October 2013, discussant: Prof. Christa Tobler
As a discussant:
- ‘L’appréhension juridique du sujet de droit’, Doctoral conference, University of Lausanne, 28 October 2021 (upon invitation)
- Panel on ‘Legal Perspectives on Organized Civil Society’, 10th Conference of the ECPR Standing Group on the European Union, virtual event, 10 June 2021 (upon invitation)
- Workshop for (post-)doctoral researchers of the Public Law Department of the University of Bern (organized by Dr Charlotte Blattner and Dr Stefan Schlegel), presentation by Stefan Schlegel (‘Handlungsrechte des Öffentlichen Rechts: Eine konzeptionelle Durchdringung, ausgehend von der Eigentumsgarantie’), University of Bern, 24 September 2020 (upon invitation)
- Workshop on ‘Extraterritorial Human Rights Obligations in the Age of Reemerging Nationalism – Are They Really Justified?’ (organized by Prof. Matthias Mahlmann and Angela Müller), University of Zurich, 21-22 November 2019 (upon invitation)
- Special Workshop on ‘Lobbying and Domestic Lawmaking Processes’, 29th World Congress of the International Association for the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, University of Lucerne, 11 July 2019
- ESIL-sponsored workshop on ‘Law and Language in International and European Law’ (organized by Dr Benedikt Pirker), University of Fribourg, 17 May 2019 (upon invitation)
- Workshop ‘Refounding Europe’ (organized by Prof. Samantha Besson and Prof. Nicolas Levrat), 44th Europe Day, University of Fribourg, 10 May 2019 (upon invitation)
- 12th Franco-German Meeting of Young Researchers in Comparative Public Law, Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Heidelberg, 7-9 June 2017
- Workshop on ‘Authority in International Dispute-Settlement’ (organized by Dr Michael Waibel, Damien Charlotin, Luíza Leão Soares Pereira, and Sondre Torp Helmersen), Lauterpacht Centre for International Law, University of Cambridge, 25 March 2017 (upon invitation)
- Yale Law School Doctoral Scholarship Conference, Yale Law School, 11 November 2016
- Workshop on ‘International Courts and Domestic Politics’ (organized by Prof. Marlene Wind), PluriCourts, University of Oslo, Norway, 29 January 2015
- Workshop on ‘International Courts and Domestic Politics’ (organized by Prof. Marlene Wind), iCourts, University of Copenhagen, 11 September 2014
As a (co-)convener/(co-)organizer:
- ‘The Law and Politics of Environmental and Climate Lobbying’, 2nd Conference of the Swiss Network for Law and Society, University of Bern, 10-12 February 2025
- ‘Navigating the Media as Early Career Academics’, two-day retreat, Swiss Young Academy (Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences), Bern, 24-25 January 2025 (with A. Zermatten, A. Jobin, and L. Briguet)
- ‘L’épistémologie du droit de l’environnement et du droit climatique’, doctoral seminar, Sierre (Switzerland), 5-6 September 2024
- ‘Le droit de l’environnement aux États-Unis et en Suisse’ (guest: Dr Nathalie Adank), University of Lausanne, 22 November 2023
- ‘Normes privées et décisions algorithmiques : la modération des contenus par les réseaux sociaux et ses enjeux pour la démocratie’, University of Lausanne, 2 March 2023, as part of the series on ‘Social Media and Human Rights’ organized by the Swiss Section of the International Commission of Jurists (guest speakers: Prof. Sophie Weerts (IDHEAP), Mathieu Fasel (IDHEAP), Estelle Pannatier (AlgorithmWatch CH))
- Online discussion on the US midterms, Swiss Study Foundation, October 2022 (with V. Barras; guest speakers: Lanae Erickson and Austin Akers)
- 62. Junge Tagung Öffentliches Recht, University of Zurich, February 2022 (with F. Bottega, J. Bukovac, I. Lehner, J. Meier, C. Rausch, M. Rehmann, R. Riskoty, L. Schneider, R. Weder, and M. Wilhelm)
- DemocracyNet Research Workshop on ‘Vested Interests and Democracy’, University of Zurich, 9-10 December 2021 (with O. Ruchet)
- ‘Habilkreis Recht’ (workshop for habilitation candidates of the Faculty of Law of the University of Zurich), Ernen, 11-12 September 2021 (with V. Jentsch and L. Staffler)
- Fourth Young European Law Scholars Conference on ‘Back to Beginnings: Revisiting the Preambles of European Treaties’, University of Zurich, 20-21 May 2021 (with K. Achermann, M. Beier, C. Neier and R. Walther)
- Fifth meeting of the Swiss Forum for Young Scholars in Public Law, online event, 1 December 2020 (with Micol Ferrario, ca. 30 participants)
- ‘Rechtswissenschaften und Peer Review’ (guests: Prof. Daniel Hürlimann, Dr Christina Neier, Stephanie Bernet, Mirko Meurer), University of Zurich, online event, 14 October 2020
- ‘Wissenschaft und Politik: Eine Gratwanderung?’ (guest: Prof. Caspar Hirschi), University of Zurich, 24 February 2019 (with Servan Grüninger; in collaboration with the Swiss Study Foundation and the Swiss think tank Reatch)
- Fourth meeting of the Swiss Forum for Young Scholars in Public Law, University of Lausanne, 6 December 2019 (with Nicolas Bueno, ca. 25 participants)
- Interdisciplinary Lecture series (3 master classes, 1 public lecture, 6 presentations by doctoral and postdoctoral researchers) on ‘Law, Power, and Politics’, University of Zurich, Fall 2019; guest speakers: Prof. Christoph Möllers (Humboldt-University Berlin), Prof. Adam Swift (University College London), Prof. Eléonore Lépinard (University of Lausanne), Prof. Magdalena Pöschl (University of Vienna) (with Friedemann Bieber and Damian Cueni)
- Special Workshop on ‘Lobbying and Domestic Lawmaking Processes’, 29th World Congress of the International Association for the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, University of Lucerne, 11 July 2019 (7 speakers)
- Third meeting of the Swiss Forum for Young Scholars in Public Law, University of Fribourg, 3 May 2019 (with Nicolas Bueno, Raffaela Kunz, and Benedict Vischer, ca. 25 participants)
- Second meeting of the Swiss Forum for Young Scholars in Public Law, University of Bern, 16 November 2018 (with Raffaela Kunz and Benedict Vischer, ca. 40 participants)
- First meeting of the Swiss Forum for Young Scholars in Public Law, University of Zurich, 4 May 2018 (with Benedict Vischer, ca. 12 participants)